1. What I want you to do is…
    What I would like you to do..

“I would like you to…” is much more polite.
“I want you to..” is more to the point and straightforward; is more commanding

2. Articles
It’s a good thing – don’t forget an article
I have an urgent work to do – incorrect (work is an uncountable noun)
I have some urgent work to do – correct
I have urgent work to do – correct

In English, “a work” is a piece of art, music, or other product of human intelligence and effort. “Work” is a generic term for productive activity.
// The way the landscape architect designed her back yard, it’s a work of art!

3a. “w” don’t replace by “v”
English Sounds – W [w] Consonant
Consonant Sound / w / as in “way” – American English Pronunciation
Pronunciation – V & W
Consonant Sound / v / as in “very”– American English Pronunciation
How to Pronounce WH Words — what, why, which — American English

3b. Don’t replace “g” in the end of words by “k”
I think it’s a good thing
“I think it’s a good thing” in YouGlish
“I think about something” in YouGlish

3c. ring, sing, singing – we don’t really pronounce the “g”
but English, England, finger, singer

4. I have to concentrate
I have to concentrate on my job
I always feel I have to concentrate harder during the day…
I have to concentrate on what I’m doing

5. fight fires – бороться с пожарами
lightning – молния, молнии;
uncountable noun => мн. ч. ==> lightning or lightning strikes; a lot of lightning
lightning strike – молния

Bobby Jones: Lesson 4
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