01 For the People s1ep8pt1a with subtitles

Did mercy and kindness
ever change your path?

You could be a good lawyer if you tried.

You’re just not trying.

I’m the guy who makes it worse.

I’m the guy you don’t
want to go up against.

I… am… leaving.

Seth’s good. He’s a good lawyer.

Do you miss him?


I won a trial. Got my client off.

That’s a good day.

My client was a white supremacist.

You won a trial because you had a trial.

It’s been my dream to have season tickets

to the Yankees with you.

I want to go to games with you.

Thank you.

  • This is a diner.
  • Yes.

Why are we meeting in a diner?

Because I can’t get
a Denver omelet in my office.

Or your office.

Two years of these meetings,
we’re always trapped

under fluorescent lights,
sucking in recycled air,

gnawing on government-issued pastries.

I thought we should get out.

  • Good morning.
  • Good morning.

What’s in a Denver omelet anyway?

Diced ham, green peppers, onions, cheese.

That’s a Western omelet.

Denver is in the West.

What’s on the agenda today?

Already with the work?

This is a work meeting, right?

I scribbled down “complain about

Draconian new sentencing
guidelines from Main Justice.”

“Judge Cameron.”
Not sure what I meant by that.

Ever been to Denver?

Uh, only to the airport.

They have a great bookstore
in Denver. The Tattered Cover.

Anytime I fly into Denver,
I add on at least six hours

for a trip to The Tattered Cover.

They have great staff recommendations.

I always go with a guy named “Topher.”

  • Topher.
  • I trust Topher.

Uh, there was a DEA raid
on Hughes Street…

you’ll be getting some incoming.

Uh, that’s all the business I have.

You gonna order? For real?

You want me to order for you?

That’s the third DEA sweep
in that area in a month.

  • I wish it were more.
  • You’re just dragging in

a bunch of low-level,
non-violent users…

We’re using an effective tool
against violent drug dealers

who are threatening the safety
of the neighborhood.

Effective? If it’s so effective,

why do you have to keep doing it?

Denver omelet? Western omelet?

There’s no difference on the inside.

Let’s not confuse things here, either.

This is a work meeting.
We should meet at work.

This is a diner.

Dictionary, notes

gnaw – грызть, глодать, мучить, терзать, беспокоить

pastry, pastries – выпечка, мучные кондитерские изделия; тесто;
get out – выходить, убираться, уходить, выметаться
1. (of something previously secret) become known.
“news got out that we were coming”
2. INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN used to express disbelief.
“get out, you’re a liar”
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/get%20out :
intransitive verb:
1: LEAVE, ESCAPE – doubted that he would get out alive
2: to become known : leak out – their secret got out
transitive verb:
1: to cause to leave or escape
2: to bring before the public
especially : PUBLISH
scribble down – набросать
to write something quickly and carelessly, especially because you do not have much time

add on – добавить

DEA = Drug Enforcement Administration – отдел по борьбе с наркотиками

sweep – мести, подметать; заметать
1. to clean a room, surface, etc. using a broom
to sweep the floor
2. move quickly/with force

Videos for Shadowing, LRRC – 1
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