// I'm sorry I'm late
// She's late for work every day
// My flight was an hour late
// We apologize for the late arrival of this train

tardy - tardy (in doing something) slow to act, move or happen; late in happening or arriving

  • The law is often tardy in reacting to changing attitudes.
  • people who are tardy in paying their bills
  • (North American English) to be tardy for school
  • The government’s tardy response to the situation has exacerbated matters.

make any mistakes (make not do)

Об ухудшении ситуации, отношений etc.:

fade, fade
gradually disappear
become less famous
start to die
lose strength
stop performing well

Friends gradually faded away.
After that, Luddite activity gradually faded out.
The antinuclear movement, its rhetoric stolen, gradually faded away.
"I guess my faith gradually faded," he said.



ringer - звонарь; a device that makes a ringing sound, for example on a phone

fairy tale - сказка
fairy tales - сказки

fairy - фея, an offensive word for a gay man (гомик, педик, голубой)


quinquagenarian - a person who is 50 years old or whose age is between 50 and 60
sexagenarian - a person between 60 and 69 years old
septuagenarian - a person between 70 and 79 years old
octogenarian - a person between 80 and 89 years old
nonagenarian - a person who is between 90 and 99 years old

Medical Definition of Age by decade:

  • Denarian: Someone age 10 to 19.
  • Vicenarian: Someone in his or her twenties.
  • Tricenarian: Someone in his or her thirties.
  • Quadragenarian: Someone in his or her forties.
  • Quinquagenarian: Someone in his or her fifties.
  • Sexagenarian: Someone in his or her sixties.
  • Septuagenarian: Someone in his or her seventies.
  • Octogenarian: Someone in his or her eighties.
  • Nonagenarian: Someone in his or her nineties.
  • Centenarian: Someone 100 or more.
  • Supercentenarian: Someone 110 years old or more (no upper limit).

The terms denarian, vicenarian, tricenarian, and quadragenarian are not in common usage. The term supercentenarian was coined in 1991.

The 1960s = '60s. Always use "the"
// He graduated in 1992. The nineties were a great decade. He thinks the '90s were overrated.

How to Write Decades:

Dallas and big hair were popular in the 1980s.
The Brady Bunch and bell bottoms were popular in the 1970s.

Dallas and big hair were popular in the eighties.
The Brady Bunch and bell bottoms were popular in the seventies.

Game shows grew to prominence in the 1950s and ’60s.
Swing music was enjoyed in the 1930s and ’40s.
DO write “the 1950s.
Do write “the ’50s.”



period – YouGlish

live (verb) – /lɪv/
to have your home in a particular place

  • to live in a house/a flat/an apartment
  • We used to live in London.
  • people living in rural areas (rural – сельский)
  • We live in a world where technological advance is the norm.
  • Where do you live?

– be alive, to remain alive

  • The doctors said he only had six months to live.
  • Women live longer than men in general.
  • Who wants to live forever? I don’t.
  • live to do something: She lived to see her first grandchild.
    He lived to the age of 95.

to be alive, especially at a particular time

  • When did Handel live?
  • Luther lived at a time when the Bible was only available in Latin.
  • He’s the greatest player who ever lived.

to spend your life in a particular way

  • He lived in poverty most of his life.
  • to live in fear/peace/harmony
  • Most of the people live well, with nice houses and plenty to eat.
  • live something She lived a very peaceful life.

  • He’s now living a life of luxury in Australia.

live (adjective) – /laɪv/
living; not dead

  • live animals
  • the number of live births (= babies born alive)
  • We saw a real live rattlesnake!
  • I need to talk to a live person (= not a recording or computer).

live (adverb) – /laɪv/
broadcast at the time of an actual event; played or recorded at an actual performance

  • The show is going out live.
  • We’ll be reporting live from Beijing.
  • Three great local bands will be playing live.


Bobby Jones: Lesson 5
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