space heaters

Wiki: A space heater is a device used to heat a single, small area;[1] central heating is used to heat many connected areas, such as the rooms of a house. Space heaters are powered by electricity or a burnable fuel, such as natural gas, propane, fuel oil, or wood pellets. Portable space heaters are usually electric, because a permanent exhaust is needed for heaters which burn fuel.

central heating system

Negative temperature

"negative" is at least an Americanism.


"Minus" is indeed what most North Americans and all Brits say. That said, "negative" is not wrong, and unlike a word like "inflammable," you're unlikely to be misunderstood if you use. I don't see any reason to recommend against "negative," although if you're unsure, you could prefer "minus."

negative degrees

outage - отключение, перебой в работе;
a period of time during which a service such as the electricity supply cannot be provided.
SYN: power cut (British English)

// a power outage

power outage - a period of time when there is no electricity supply.
SYN: power failure, power cut (British English)
// Play was delayed for two hours by a power outage.

power outage (wiki) - A power outage (also called a power cut, a power out, a power blackout, a power failure, a power loss, or a blackout) is the loss of the electrical power network supply to an end user.
in the East - на востоке
in the East of Russia - на востоке России
Japan is east of Russia - Япония находится к востоку от России
I play for UMMC Ekaterinburg, which is east of Moscow via a two-and-a-half-hour flight.
Vladivostok is in the East of Russia - Владивосток находится на востоке России
A nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. (16:03)

wooden houses - деревянные дома
mailbox - почтовый ящик

Bobby Jones: Lesson 8
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