arbitrary - произвольный; decided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly
// an arbitrary decision
the arbitrary arrests of political opponents

arbitrarily - произвольно
// an arbitrarily chosen number

initial - первоначальный, начальный; happening at the beginning (SYN first); existing or occurring at the beginning
// an initial investment of £5,000
// the initial stages of the disease
The initial response has been encouraging.

probation - испытательный срок; стажировка:
1 a system that allows some criminals not to go to prison or to leave prison, if they behave well and see a probation officer regularly, for a particular period of time
// The judge sentenced Jennings to three years’ probation.
He was given two years' probation.
// He pleaded guilty and was placed on probation.
// The prisoner was put on probation.

2 a period of time, during which an employer can see if a new worker is suitable
// a three-month probation period
// Some people are appointed on probation.

3 (American English) a period of time in which you must improve your work or behave well so that you will not have to leave your job
// I’m afraid I have no choice but to put you on probation.

// a probationary period

chit-chat = chitchat - conversation about things that are not very important;
small talk, gossip;
// "What did you talk about?" "Oh, it was just chit-chat."
// boring social chit-chat
// chit-chat about new cars

throughout - на протяжении, через, на всем протяжении, совершенно
1. in every part of a particular area, place etc
a large organization with offices throughout the world

The disease spread rapidly throughout Europe.

The house is in excellent condition, with fitted carpets throughout.

2. during all of a particular period, from the beginning to the end
We are open every weekend throughout the year.
He was involved in politics throughout his life.
The debate continued, but Meredith remained silent throughout.

by all means - without any question; of course; certainly (granting a permission).
// By all means, order whatever you'd like on the menu.

used for politely agreeing with someone, giving permission, or saying ‘yes’
// “May I make a suggestion?” “By all means.”
// "May I borrow this book?" "By all means."
// "Can I come and have a look at your house?"—"Yes by all means."
// ‘Do you mind if I invite a few friends?’ ‘By all means.’

frankincense - ладан

setback - a problem that delays or prevents progress, or makes things worse than they were

regardless - 1. without being affected or influenced by something; несмотря на

                       2. carry on/go on regardless (British English) (=continue what you are doing)

// The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex.
// He does what he wants, regardless of what I say.
// It may rain by the end of the day, but we plan to carry on regardless.
// Some actors want to play the role their way, regardless.

jeopardy - опасность;
in jeopardy = in danger of being lost or harmed
// We will not do anything that will put our business in jeopardy.

pantry - a very small room in a house where food is kept; кладовая
pantry - images of a pantry

thoroughly - тщательно, основательно
1 completely
// She sat feeling thoroughly miserable.
// thoroughly cooked meat
2 carefully, so that nothing is forgotten
// The room had been thoroughly cleaned.

casual - случайный, небрежный, etc
1. relaxed and not worried, or seeming not to care about
// a casual manner
His eyes were angry, though he sounded casual.
2. not formal or not for a formal situation
// Jean felt more comfortable in casual clothes.
a casual jacket
etc: 3-7

easy-going (easygoing) - с легким характером; not easily upset, annoyed, or worried
// Her easy-going nature made her popular.
// Our parents are pretty easy-going, and they don't mind if we stay out late.
// Are you kind, considerate, easy-going, or out-going?
// Always an easy-going person, Guy had no difficulty in making friends in any situation.


From 520 English Words for Everyday Life - Basic Vocabulary #26
Number in Round Brackets/Parentheses is a number of a word in the video

British English
(  ) = round brackets or brackets;     bracket

American English
(  ) = parentheses

British English
[  ] = square brackets

American English
[  ] = brackets

dresser - комод
sweep - подметать  (8)
// It's so dusty; sweep the floor

put away - убрать, убирать
put somebody/something away

mop (10) - швабра; мыть шваброй, вытирать, очищать
//a mop and bucket
// I spilled the juice, so I mopped the floor

humid - влажный
// In this country the climate is humid

windy - ветреный

playground (16)- детская площадка
// Is there also a slide in the playground?
slide - горка

Every day means: day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, etc., i.e. every single day, not skipping any.

Every other day means: day1, day3, day5, day7, etc., i.e. skipping every second day - one day on, one day off, and so on. (Source)
Every day = каждый день
Every other day = через день

Words – 2

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