Accent vs Pronunciation

1. Your pronunciation is your ability to pronounce words in a way that makes them intelligible to other speakers of the language. One can have the strongest accent possible, but as long as they are understood, they will usually be pronouncing things properly. An example of incorrect pronunciation would be pronouncing ‘down’ as ‘dawn’.

2. Your accent includes things like your intonation and rhythm of speech. It is anything that makes you sound foreign. The classic ‘accent trap’ is pronouncing things exactly like you would in your native language, rather than actually listening to the way they are pronounced in the language you’re learning, and imitating it.


The word “accent” broadly means pronunciation. Most people, when they hear, “ He has an accent”, conjure up negative comments and emotions about that person’s speech. In reality, you cannot speak in any language, without having an accent! The Queen of England has an English accent. You and I have our own distinct accent. So what is so strange about an accent?

A simple definition of an accent is :  distinctive way of pronouncing a language, especially one associated with a particular country, area, or social class.

So if it is an English accent, then it will be associated with England. Or American accent , will be associated with America, and so on.

 ‘Pronunciation’ is the way we produce sounds. The way we move our lips, tongue and jaw to  articulate sounds.

So the main difference between ‘accent’ and ‘pronunciation’ is the way we pronounce words, with different speech melody.

Accent vs Pronunciation
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