Alex 8. 03-09-2021

I see this (I heard “dis”)

This is the third time that this guy is thinking about that.
-ing = NG (don’t pronounce G)

We have (I heard “we ave”) - H sound
We have hearty headstones on my house.

The dog’s house
My house
His house
Her house
Three houses

The dog’s house, my house, and her house are three houses altogether.

Usually - /yoozhally/

Vacation (I heard “wacation”) - V sound

I usually go on vacation in the Faroe Islands.
Victor vies for power in the Victorian Era.
Evangelical pastors vary in how much they are vane.

Do it - try the stop T here
Stop T - you’re about to say the T, but you don’t let out the final blow/puff of air

I love it, but…

Maybe - E sound needs to be longer (I heard “maybih”)

Maybe he’s going to be funny, but I’m not sure about that yet.
Going to → gonna

I need that and the other thing

This hog is lucky, but he’s not victorious.
But he’s → /buddeez/

We have three houses that our parents gave us on Valentine’s Day.

Things to work on:
V sound
Long E sound at the end of words
Stop T
H sounds (especially after vowels)
TH sound (not reducing it to D)

Angelo Deleo: Lesson 8 – Accent
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