severe - severe problems, injuries, illnesses etc are very bad or very serious;
серьезный, тяжелый etc

booster - /ˈbuːstə $ -ər/ - 1. a small quantity of a drug that increases the effect of one that
was given before, so that someone continues to be protected against a disease

2. something that helps someone or something to increase or improve, or to be more successful or confident
3. a rocket that is used to provide extra power for a spacecraft to leave the Earth
4. (American English) someone who gives a lot of support to a person, organization, or idea

More than 60% have been vaccinated.

developed -/da ve lupt/

disadvantages - /dis ad van ta gez/

They have mandated it.

It will be mandatory.

mandatory - /man da toree /

They were looking.

They wanted to do data analysis.

The vaccine was more expensive here.

The government had to pay a higher price.

Phizer did testing with the vaccine in Israel.

There was a high demand for the Phizer vaccine.

I don't know how my body will respond

does not give full protection

gives good protection for most people.

Most people that need to be hospitalized are unvaccinated.


could spread the covid

when the booster wears off
wear off - lose effectiveness or intensity; to gradually decrease, disappear, or stop
// the effects of the drug were wearing off
// The painkillers wore off after a couple of hours.
// The shine on the leather will wear off pretty quickly.
// Most patients find that the numbness from the injection wears off after about an hour.

2. the novelty wears off used to say that you stop feeling interested or excited about something because it is no longer new
// It was funny for a while but the novelty soon wore off.

novelty - 1 [uncountable] the quality of being new, unusual, and interesting
novelty - новизна
// the novelty of the ideas
// Many toys have no attraction beyond their novelty value.
// It was fun for a while, but the novelty wore off (=it became boring).
I felt a little ill the day after.

It is still here, but not as strong as it was before

There is a difference between the words worry and concern,
so it is better to say: "I don't know if we should be concerned."

Difference Between Concern and Worry
Worry vs. Concern
Key Difference: Concern motivates to help others with goal of solving it or to minimize the issue. Whereas, Worry is something which stems from negative thoughts about future with assumptions that is driven by fear and anguish. This fear than creates an emotional disturbance and there is no peace of mind.

Worry is the incessant, ruminative speculation of what might go wrong–an anticipation of chaos. This can be because of a past mishap: What if I insulted her? She may bad-mouth me at work; or because of a mishap that’s waiting to happen: What if I don’t find an apartment? Then what will I do? It’s a form of self-torment, best described as what-if thinking.

Concern, on the other hand, is a calculated consideration and assessment of actual danger. Whereas worrying anticipates problems and things going awry (loss of control), concern is more fact-based and geared toward problem-solving. What do you think serves you when facing a life challenge: dealing with fact (being concerned), or dealing with fiction (worrying)?

Read through the examples below and ask yourself whether there is any advantage to worrying.

Worry: What if I cant fit into that dress?
Concern: I’m going to have to watch what I eat if I’m going to fit into that dress.

Worry: What if I’m late?
Concern: I’d better leave fifteen minutes earlier to avoid construction delays.

Worry: What if she says no?
Concern: Whether she says yes or no, either way I’ll survive.

Worry: This is a strange pain. What if it’s serious?
Concern: If I’m uncomfortable tomorrow, I’ll call the doctor. No sense assuming the worst.

As you can see from the examples above, if you compare worry with concern, there’s no contest–not if you want to be effective. Being concerned is an adaptive and constructive way of thinking that really prepares you for life’s challenges. Being worried, on the other hand, is a circular, destructive kind of thinking that leads to a life of stress, anxiety, or panic. There is worry and there is concern. Concern is circumstance-driven; and worry is insecurity-driven. Worry, insecurity-driven–from the inside out–is bad for you. Concern, circumstance driven–from the outside in–is good for you.


This virus has mild symptoms - Этот вирус имеет легкие симптомы


liability - 1. [uncountable] legal responsibility for something, especially for paying money that is owed, or for damage or injury
3 [singular] someone or something that is likely to cause problems for someone
ответственность, обязательство, помеха

pronunciation of nobody

Vicky Rivera: Lesson 8
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