From The Last Woman in the Forest

solitary - одинокий, отдельный, единичный
// the solitary goal of the match
// The benches were empty except for a single solitary figure.
// a long, solitary walk
// a solitary man

shovel - лопата
tow truck - a truck used to tow or pick up damaged or disabled vehicles; эвакуатор
tow - to pull a vehicle or ship along behind another vehicle, using a rope or chain
буксировать, буксировка, тащить за собой

all set = entirely finished, completed, or done. not wanting or needing assistance or anything more. thoroughly dealt with. prepared; ready


psy-ops - Psychological operations = tactics intended to manipulate one's opponents or enemies, such as the dissemination of propaganda or the use of psychological warfare.

disseminate - to spread information or ideas to as many people as possible
// Her findings have been widely disseminated.
// the dissemination of information

warfare - the activity of fighting in a war – used especially when talking about particular methods of fighting
// the realities of modern warfare
// chemical warfare
// biological/germ warfare (=using dangerous bacteria or illnesses as a weapon)
// nuclear warfare - ядерная война

hostile - unfriendly; antagonistic; враждебный, вражеский, etc
// Southampton fans gave their former coach a hostile reception.
// A hostile audience refused to listen to Senator Drummond's reply.
// There was a crowd of hostile demonstrators waiting outside her door.
// his hostile attitude
// Senator Lydon was hostile to our proposals.
// hostile territory
// Sales increased last year despite the hostile economic environment.

think tank - a group of people with experience or knowledge of a particular subject, who work to produce ideas and give advice; аналитический центр, мозговой центр, комиссия экспертов
- a body of experts providing advice and ideas on specific political or economic problems.
// a think tank devoted to the study of political and economic integration
// right-wing/liberal/economic etc think tank
// a leading member of a Tory think tank


dipshit - (usually vulgar) a stupid or incompetent person
an offensive word for a stupid person. Do not use this word.

jerk - an annoyingly stupid or foolish person
// was acting like a jerk
an unlikable person; especially : one who is cruel, rude, or small-minded
// a selfish jerk

atone - make amends or reparation; искупать, компенсировать, заглаживать, возмещать
// He was being helpful, to atone for his past mistakes
// He atoned by apologizing.
// The country's leader has expressed a wish to atone for his actions in the past.
atone for sins - искупить грехи

Words-3 (The Last Woman in the Forest)