Would you be willing to - The adjective “willing” means to be ready, eager or prepared to do something. Note that being willing to do something is not the same as wanting to do it. The idea is just that you don't need to be persuaded.

Generally, “Are you willing to” is how you’d phrase a request of someone that carries with it some kind of perceived inconvenience to them.

Would you be willing to

// Would you be willing to submit to a paternity test?
- Готовы ли вы пройти тест на отцовство?

// Would you be willing to accept it?
// I have to take my daughter to school. Would you be willing to move our meeting to the afternoon?

// I found this item for less elsewhere. Would you be willing to give me a refund?
- Я нашел этот товар дешевле в другом месте. Вы не могли бы вернуть мне деньги?

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