

  1. обедающий
  2. гость, приглашённый к обеду
  3. амер. вагон-ресторан
  4. амер. закусочная, построенная и оформленная по типу вагона-ресторанаhttps://www.lingvolive.com/en-us/translate/en-ru/diner


– a person eating a meal, especially in a restaurant
* a restaurant capable of seating 100 diners
– (especially North American English) a small, usually cheap, restaurant
* a roadside diner



– completely new;
* a brand new computer
* She bought her car brand new.

– конторка; прилавок; (барная) стойка

– киоск; палатка
– будка; кабина

The diner was small, but bright and clean. Brand-new, built to resemble a converted railroad car. Narrow, with a long lunch counter on one side and a kitchen bumped out back. Booths lining the opposite wall.

edge of townокраина города, край города
to the edge of town –  на край города, на окраину города
on the edge of town – на окраине города


holster -put (a gun) into its holster.
the sergeant holstered his revolver and unclipped the handcuffs from his belt

walking backward – ходьба спиной вперед, пятиться

backward – назад

gut – кишка
steam – пар
tarmac – асфальт
tarmac road – асфальтированная дорога
the tarmac – an area covered with tarmac outside airport building
masonry – каменная кладка, кирпичная кладка; масонство
// Massive masonry was also encountered when the railway bridge was constructed further north still of the modern road bridge.

convict – признать виновным, осуждать, изобличать
// She was convicted of shoplifting – Она была осуждена за кражу в магазине.
// He was convicted on fraud charges – Он был осужден по обвинению в мошенничестве

convict ( noun [countable]) – осужденный, заключенный, каторжник
// There was a report on the news about an escaped convict.

Killing Floor – Chapter One (dictionary) – (1)
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