go down that path/
We traveled down that path before. (Obama)

But to go down that path would be wrong. (Obama)

it's just very easy to go down that path

I think it's a mistake to go down that path.

To be blunt, we went down that road in Iraq. (Obama)

I think they need to go down that road.
let's not go down that road
You don't wanna go down that road.

From: 5 Secrets to Having an American English Accent

Better late than never

Don't get bent out of shape over it (Link)
get bent out of ˈshape (about/over something) - 1. become angry, anxious or upset
// Don’t get bent out of shape about it. It was just a mistake!
// I get bent out of shape when my routines are disrupted.
// Don't get all bent out of shape—I'm sure she didn't mean to insult you.
// You should apologize to Phil before he gets bent out of shape.
// I'm not getting bent out of shape because people don't respect my opinion. I'm used to that.

What goes around/what comes around (Link)

We'll cross that bridge when we get there (Link) - to not worry about a possible problem until it actually happens;
// I don't know how we'll pay the bills if you quit your job, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
// What will you do if you can’t afford to run your car next year?
- I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.


Idioms, phrasal verbs etc – 3 (Vanessa)
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