Lesson 24

staff turnover - total number of workers who leave a company over a certain time period
staff retention - an organization's ability to prevent employee turnover
gross misconduct - any unethical and unprofessional behavior an employee engages in
to discipline - punish someone in order to keep order and control
disciplinary action - responding to an employee's misconduct, unsatisfactory performance, and breaking of rules at work. It aims to correct the behavior.
to be made redundant - your employer tells you to leave because your job is no longer necessary or because your employer cannot afford to keep paying you
to be laid off  - an act of ending a worker's job, esp. when the worker has done nothing wrong
redundancy - a situation in which someone loses their job because their employer does not need them
layoffs/layoff - an act of ending a worker's job

Lesson 23

add insult to injury - to do or say something that makes a bad situation even worse for someone
// The bank not only refused to refund the money but, to add insult to injury, charged me for the letter telling me so!
// Then, to add insult to injury, it started raining heavily.

best of both worlds - a situation in which you have the advantages of two different things without any of the disadvantages
// They live in a village but it’s only an hour from London, so they have the best of both worlds.
// She works in the city and lives in the country, so she gets the best of both worlds.


Lesson 22

broaden one's horizons - to expand your knowledge or experience
// I've always wanted to broaden my horizons
// In order to broaden your horizons even more, feel free to look into opportunities outside the company.

to blow the cobwebs away - it makes you feel more alert and lively, when you have previously felt tired.
// When was the last time you left the house? Come on, get out there and blow away the cobwebs!
// Get some fresh air to blow away the cobwebs.
// After sitting around for hours, we went out and had a long walk along the beach to blow the cobwebs away.

to turn over a new leaf - открыть новую страницу; to make a new start, to alter your behavior in a positive way - изменить свое поведение в положительную сторону
// Apparently he's turned over a new leaf and he's not smoking any more.
// I see fatherhood as a chance to turn over a new leaf.
// I know I've done some bad things in the past, but now I'm turning over a new leaf.

Lesson 19

beat around the bush - Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable;
to avoid or delay talking about something embarrassing or unpleasant;
avoid getting to main point;
// Don't beat about the bush.
// Please don’t beat around the bush; just tell me why you are upset.
// Get to the point and stop beating around the bush!
// I started beating about the bush and talking about ...

Better late than never - Лучше поздно, чем никогда
// "Dan finally paid me the money he owed me." "Well, better late than never."
// "The pictures have finally arrived.'' "Well, better late than never.''

resilience - 1. the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
// People showed remarkable resilience during the war.
// the resilience of youth
// the resilience of the state's economy
2. the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.
// nylon is excellent in wearability and resilience

toughness - 1. the state of being strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling.
// the toughness of steel
2. the ability to deal with hardship or to cope in difficult situations.
// they showed great mental toughness to keep going

perseverance - continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition
//  His perseverance was rewarded: after many rejections, he finally found a job.
// Perseverance is required to perfect just about any skill
// Captain Benson praised his men's courage and perseverance in dealing with a very dangerous situation.

adversity - a difficult or unpleasant situation; a state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or misfortune
// showing courage in the face of adversity
// The people are brave, resilient, humorous, friendly in the face of great change and adversity.
// At one time or other, we all face adversity.
// She somehow manages to keep laughing in the face of adversity.
// We've been through a lot of adversity as a team.


Lesson 18

Entrepreneurship - the activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. Предпринимательство

be your own boss - have full control of a business or enterprise: have no boss except for oneself
// Jane started her own business so that she could be her own boss.

when the going gets tough ==  when the going gets tough, the tough get going;
- when there are problems, strong people work hard to solve them;
When a situation is difficult or dangerous, strong people work harder to resolve the problem.
// when the going gets tough, the tough get going = когда становится тяжело, крутые идут вперед

setback - a problem that delays or prevents progress, or makes things worse than they were
// He has suffered a serious setback in his political career.
// The December elections were a major setback for the party.

side hustle - work performed for income supplementary to one's primary job
// These days, lots of people have a side hustle to help them earn extra income, develop new skills, become a business owner and quit their day job.
// Want to learn a new skill you've had your eyes on for quite some time? Or perhaps you want to take up a new hobby that you can eventually turn into a side hustle?

Multi-level marketing (MLM), also called network marketing or pyramid selling, is a controversial marketing strategy for the sale of products or services.
MLM encourages existing members to promote and sell their offerings to other individuals and bring on new recruits into the business. Distributors are paid a percentage of their recruits' sales. New recruits become the distributor's network or downline and are, in turn, encouraged to make sales to earn money.

a blessing in disguise - нет худа без добра; something that seems bad or unlucky at first, but results in something good happening later
// Losing that job was a blessing in disguise really.
// Well, maybe this is a blessing in disguise.

a dime a dozen - (десять центов за дюжину) very common and not valuable
// Books like this are a dime a dozen.
// Sam told her not to worry, jobs like that were a dime a dozen.

Lesson 17

leadership - руководство; the action of leading a group of people or an organization;
// different styles of leadership
// the leadership of the party
- the leaders of an organization, country, etc
// a change of leadership had become desirable

burnout - the state of having no energy or enthusiasm because of working too hard;
Job burnout  - Выгорание на работе — is a special type of work-related stress — a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.

overworked - forced to work too hard
// an overworked civil servant
// I'm overworked and underpaid.

overwork - to work too much or to make someone work too much
// overworked the horses
// You’ve been overworking – why don’t you take a week off?
// Have they been overworking you again?

to arise - (of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent.
// new difficulties had arisen
// A crisis has arisen in the Foreign Office.

to hand over - pass responsibility to someone else.
Give someone or something, or the responsibility for someone or something, to someone else.
// he will soon hand over to a new director
// The soldiers were ordered to hand over their guns.
// He handed the phone over to me.
// her parents handed her over to be brought up by her grandparents

oversee - to be in charge of a group of workers and check that a piece of work is done satisfactorily
// A team leader was appointed to oversee the project.

discourage - to persuade someone not to do something, especially by making it seem difficult or bad;
to make someone less confident or less willing to do something
отбивать охоту; отговаривать; отсоветовать
// attempts to discourage illegal immigration
// My father is a lawyer, and he discouraged me from entering the field.
You say:
She discouraged me from going.
Don’t say: She discouraged me to go.

innovation - a new idea, method, or invention; the action or process of innovating.
// We must encourage innovation if the company is to remain competitive.
// We need to encourage innovation in industry.

Lesson 13

tangible - заметный, ощутимый, осязаемый
1. clear enough or definite enough to be easily seen or noticed
// The scheme must have tangible benefits for the unemployed.
// There should be some tangible evidence that the economy is starting to recover.
// The relief was almost tangible.
2.  if something is tangible, you can touch or feel it
// The silence of the countryside was almost tangible.

tangible assets - capable of being appraised at an actual or approximate value (property such as buildings, equipment etc); материальные активы
// Net tangible assets were £49.2 million.

compliance - when someone obeys a rule, agreement, or demand; согласие, уступчивость, угодливость
// He changed his name to Lee in 1815 in compliance with his uncle’s will.
// Patients should have a history of good compliance with treatment.
// During the discussion, it was noted that major progress had been made in compliance with human dimension commitments.

reportedly - according to what some people say; как сообщается
// Her husband’s assets are reportedly worth over $15 million.

affiliation - принадлежность, присоединение, прием в члены
1. the state or relation of being closely associated or affiliated with a particular person, group, party, company, etc.
2. when a smaller group or organization joins a larger one
// hundreds of businessmen owe their success to an affiliation with organized crime.
// Many people were arrested for their political affiliations.
// They asked about his religious beliefs and political affiliation.
// Throughout his long life, he retained his affiliation to the Labour Party.

adhere - to stick firmly to something; твердо придерживаться, прилипать, приклеиваться
// The eggs of these fish adhere to plant leaves.
// Whatever the purpose of the meeting, it should be stated at the outset and adhered to.
Какова бы ни была цель встречи, она должна быть заявлена в самом начале и неукоснительно соблюдаться.

implication - 1. the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated. смысл, подтекст
// the implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible - подразумевается, что ни один человек в банке не несет ответственности
2. the action or state of being involved in something; вовлечение, соучастие, замешанность
// our implication in the problems
3. a possible future effect or result of an action, event, decision etc; последствия
// What are the implications of these proposals?

Lesson 12

John Hancock - means signature
// Sign your John Hancock here.
The term 'John Hancock' comes from the American Revolution. Specifically, it comes from the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.

Named after American merchant and statesman John Hancock (1737–1793), the first person to sign the United States Declaration of Independence. According to legend, he signed his name prominently to be sure George III could read it, causing his name to become an eponymous for a signature.


For the birds - Worthless, not to be taken seriously, no good, not important
// This conference is for the birds—let's leave now.

underlying - Underlying perhaps most commonly means fundamental or basic; лежащий в основе
// A person’s underlying beliefs are their most essential beliefs, the ones that all their other beliefs, opinions, or values are based on.
// A single, underlying issue may be the basis of many other problems.
//Symptoms are caused by an underlying condition or disease.

to put somebody on the spot - to ask someone a question that is difficult or embarrassing to answer;
If you put someone on the spot, you cause them embarrassment or difficulty by forcing them at that moment to answer a difficult question or make an important decision;
поставить в затруднительное положение; поставить в тупик
// You shouldn't have asked Gary whether he's asked Linda to marry him. You put him on the spot and that's very unfair.
// That sure put you on the spot.
// I don't want to put you on the spot, but I'm really curious about how you know Tim.

layoff - a discharge, especially temporary, of a worker or workers;
увольнение работников, сокращение производства
the temporary or permanent termination of employment by an employer for reasons unrelated to the employee's performance.
The key difference between being laid off vs. getting fired is that a layoff is the fault of an employer while a firing occurs because of the employee's fault. Most workers get laid off because the company is trying to cut costs, reduce the staff etc.
// The company laid off 250 workers in December.
// Millions of people have been laid off in the steel industry.

2 lay off (something) (informal) to stop using or doing something
// I think you’d better lay off alcohol for a while.
// I had to lay off running for several months.

I can’t ignore it

The prices go up

Play by the rules

Go with the flow

He had bad jet lag

Dozing off

Lesson 11

bummer - a thing that is annoying or disappointing; unpleasant or annoying
// "I've left my wallet at home." "What a bummer!"
// Waiting all day at the airport is a real bummer.
// What a bummer!
// That concert was a real bummer

scoot over - if someone sitting down scoots over, they move to a different position, for example to make space for someone else to sit down; подвинуться
Very much depends on intonation: Just "Scoot over" is like a command -> rude, impolite
// Sorry, could you scoot over - Простите, не могли бы вы подвинуться?
// Sorry, could you scoot over. I just need to get past you - ...Мне просто нужно пройти мимо тебя

Lesson 10
Mixed Conditionals

If I hadn't studied what I did I would have now different job.
If I hadn't studied what I did I would be doing now a different job.


Lesson 8

be snowed under, be snowed under (with something) 
- to be very busy or overwhelmed with something;
- have more things, especially work, than you feel able to deal with

// I found myself snowed under with work.
// I'd love to go out to dinner tonight, but I'm totally snowed under at the office right now.
// Don't expect any help from them -- they're snowed under at the moment.
// Kate's not coming tonight because she's snowed under with research for her thesis.

Lesson 5

provided = provided that - при условии; если только; в том случае, если
- used to say that something will only be possible if something else happens or is done
- the first thing will happen only if the second thing also happens.
// He can come with us, provided he pays for his own meals
// There's no annual fee provided that you use the credit card at least six times a year.

throng - толпа; a large group of people in one place
// She got lost in the throng.
// a throng of reporters

Lesson 4

interlocutor - your interlocutor is the person you are speaking to; собеседник

something is not rocket science - (informal) used to say that something is not difficult to do or understand
// My coach always said, "Basketball is not rocket science. It's about putting the ball in the basket."

take a rain check - to refuse an offer or invitation politely,
or say that you would like to accept it, but at a different time
// I'm sorry but I'm busy on Saturday - can I take a rain check?

Managing up is about using the traits of a good manager to help bring out the best in you as an employee. When done effectively, managing up makes your manager’s job easier, as well as your day-to-day job.
trait - a particular quality in someone’s character; character/personality traits
черта, особенность
traits - черты характера
// Does Bryce have any bad traits?

to let go of - to stop holding or gripping (something or someone);
перестать держать или сжимать (что-то или кого-то)
// Let go of my hand.
// He let go of the rope.
// You need to let go of the past.
// Let go! You’re hurting me.

flatter - to praise someone in order to please them or get something from them, even though you do not mean it; льстить
// Perry would always flatter Mrs. Mitchell by praising her cooking.

resentment - a feeling of anger because something has happened that you think is unfair
негодование, возмущение, чувство обиды
// She was filled with deep resentment at being passed over for promotion.

going down well - To be well-received, as by a group or audience.
// Three standing ovations! Wow, your performance really went down well!
not going down well - met with disapproval or a negative reaction from others. This is an informal expression.


Lesson 3

shoot the breeze - have a casual conversation; to spend time talking about things that not very serious or important
// Let's go outside and shoot the breeze
// We sat out on the porch, just shooting the breeze
// He likes to shoot the breeze, so don't take everything he says seriously


perceptive - having or showing sensitive insight
innate -  inborn; natural; врожденный
// her innate capacity for organization

plasticity - гибкость

to counter the effect - противодействовать эффекту

Lesson 1.

reframe - переформулировать
1. place (a picture or photograph) in a new frame.
2. frame or express (words or a concept or plan) differently.
"I reframed my question
// All failures are reframed as "good tries.

accountable -  responsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be criticized for them.                                      ответственный

// The government should be accountable to all the people of the country.
// Managers must be accountable for their decisions.
// The hospital should be held accountable for the quality of care it gives.

profound - глубокий, основательный, полный, мудрый...
1. having a strong influence or effect
// Tolstoy’s experiences of war had a profound effect on his work.
// profound changes in society
2. showing strong serious feelings
// a profound sense of guilt
3. showing great knowledge and understanding
// a profound question
// Jenner is a profound thinker.
4. literary deep or far below the surface of something|
// Her work touches something profound in the human psyche.
5. complete
// profound deafness

Preparation task
1 - h            5 - c             9 - a
2 - d           6 - g             10 - b
3 - j             7 - e
4 - f             8 - i

to bounce ideas off someone - to talk about (something, such as an idea) with (someone) in an informal way in order to get an opinion.
// I wanted to bounce some ideas off you before the meeting.

to wear someone out - to make someone very tired by demanding a lot of that person's work or attention
// He wears me out with his constant complaining.

To clock in is to record your time of arrival at work, usually by punching a time clock; to begin work. To clock out is to record your time of departure from work; to end work.

to make a concession - пойти на уступку;

paid on a pro-rata basis - in proportion.
In its most basic form, a pro rata salary is an amount of pay you quote an employee based on what they would earn if they worked full-time; Calculated according to how many hours you work.

a commute - поездка на работу;
travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis.

to be left to your own devices - to allow (someone) to do what he or she wants or is able to do without being controlled or helped by anyone else


Business English. Evangeline.
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