Lesson 2 - Pronunciation exercise

conscientious - careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do; добросовестный
// a conscientious and hard-working student

determined - полный решимости
1 having a strong desire to do something, so that you will not let anyone stop you
// Gwen is a very determined woman.
// She was determined to win.
// He was determined that the same mistakes would not be repeated.

2 showing determination, especially in a difficult situation
// She was making a determined effort to give up smoking.

witty - остроумный; using words in a clever and amusing way
// witty remarks
// Laura’s very witty.

judgmental - criticizing people very quickly – used to show disapproval; осуждающий
// You're being too judgmental.

self-assured - calm and confident about what you are doing

Lesson 1

on the go - very busy or active; very busy doing a lot of things

// I’ve been on the go since six o’clock this morning.
// I have too many projects on the go at once.
// He's been on the go all evening
// I got a new job this year where I am on the go all the time.
// Children are always on the go.

read up (on/about) something - to read a lot about (something) in order to learn about it
// I read up on the history of the war
// I don't know much about Malawi – I'll go home and read up on it.
// The more I read up on the political candidate, the more I came to distrust him.
// I read up on the places I plan to visit before I travel.

to break the cycle - to change a habit, to end a repetitive pattern of harmful behavior or thoughts
// I can't see a way to break this cycle.
// we have the power to break this cycle
// we do need to break this cycle
// The best way to break this cycle is to be aware when you're ruminating

to be keen on something - to be interested in something and enjoying it;
to be very interested, eager, enthusiastic or wanting (to do) something very much
// I am quite keen on doing exercise
// All the kids are keen on swimming.
// He’s also very keen on modern painters.

mad keen on something (=extremely keen):
// I was mad keen on horses then.

Harry’s Advanced English Marathon
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