daydream – pleasant thoughts that make you forget about the present

// She stared out of the window, lost in a daydream
// She had a pleasant daydream about her holiday
// I didn’t tell anyone of my daydreams about my future with him.
// In one of his daydreams, they were living in a little cottage in the country

reserved – unwilling to express your emotions or talk about your problems → shy
// English people have a reputation for being very reserved.
// He was particularly reserved around women.

humane – гуманный, гуманитарный, человечный
humane (

by force – силой, насильно

official – чиновник; someone who is in a position of authority in an organization
// a government official
// senior administration officials
executiveдолжностное лицо;
1. a manager in an organization or company who helps make important decisions
// a marketing executive
3. British English a group of people who are in charge of an organization and make the rules
// the union’s executive

soul mateродственная душа;
someone you have a very close relationship with because you share or understand the same emotions and interests
// It will be easier to find a soul mate elsewhere than in one’s own backyard.
// The film, Him, is a romantic comedy role about a woman’s search for a soul mate.


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