even so - несмотря на это

1. It was raining, but even so we had to go out.
2. I had a terrible headache, but even so I went to the concert.
4. There are a lot of spelling mistakes; even so, it's quite a good essay.
5. The new method is not perfect; even so, it's much better than the old one.
6. I know he's only a child, but even so he should have known that what he was doing was wrong.
7. There are many spelling mistakes; even so it's quite a good essay.
even though - несмотря на то, что
Even though John is rich, he lives in a small house
Even though she likes animals, Mary doesn't want a dog.

Even though I washed it several times, I couldn't get rid of the stain.


even if - даже если
Even if Caroline earned a big salary, she would not buy a fast car.
Even if I had time and money, I still wouldn't go on a cruise.
I wouldn't wear that dress even if I got it for free!
Even if Tom was offered a job in New York, he wouldn't accept it.
Although and even though have a similar meaning to despite and in spite of.

My boss has to think all the time - Мой босс должен все время думать

I live(/lɪv/)  vs I leave(/liːv/) (I said leave instead of live)

Telling the Time

Telling the Time (www.learnenglish.de)

How to ask about the time

Excuse me. What time is it, please?
Excuse me. Do you have the time, please?
Excuse me. Could you tell me the time, please?

Excuse me...

What time is it?

What time does the ________ open?

What time does the ________ close?

What time should we meet?

What time does the movie start?

You can also use the question word “When” instead of “What time” if you want a general answer:

Instead of “What time does the movie start?” you can also use

When does the movie start?

When does the café open?

When should we meet?

Besides responses about time, the answers could include: "The café opens on the 24th of July."; and "We should meet on Tuesday."

jet lag

internal clock = внутренние часы


I live(/lɪv/)  vs I leave(/liːv/) (I said leave instead of live)

How to pronounce LIVE /lɪv/ & LEAVE /liv/ - American English Pronunciation Lesson

Bobby Jones: Lesson 7
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