it will be much colder in December or January or February

it becomes abrasive

abrasive - грубый; шлифующий, наждак, абразив, абразивный материал
1. rude or unkind
// She was a tough girl with rather an abrasive manner.

2. having a rough surface, especially one that can be used to clean something or make it smooth
// Smooth down with a fine abrasive paper.

Wild boar(wiki) = "wild swine" = "common wild pig", or simply "wild pig"
wild boar

Hot Water Radiator System

Hot Water Heating

In a hot water heating system, the hot water travels from the boiler through a circulating pump to the radiator, which diffuses the heat and warms the room. The water continues to circulate through the system when the heat is on.

Two pipes
Hot water systems will always have two pipes coming from the radiator – not necessarily from different corners.

pipe network

Steam vs Hot Water Radiator Comparison Guide


My phrases with errors or inaccuracies in pronunciation, vocabulary, questions etc

You have something like
something like this
There was, there were

it's your own business - это ваше личное дело
electric heater - электрический нагреватель

Уточнить правильность фраз:

It can cool down and freeze
relatively large area




Collocation - the way in which some words are often used together, or a particular combination of words used in this way;

collocation - the combination of words formed when two or more words are often used together in a way that sounds correct

Коллокацияэто слова, которые обычно используются друг с другом, формируя устойчивое словосочетание.

What are English Collocations?

Более 700 распространенных английских коллокаций

break the law, а не destroy the law (нарушать закон)
high temperature, а не tall/big temperature (высокая температура)
take a photo, а не make/do a photo (сделать фото / сфотографировать)
tell the truth, а не say/speak the truth (говорить правду)

Common Collocations (EnglishClub)



Sloan Leavens: Lesson 2,3
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