Set-up = a set of equipment (general term)

1. the way in which things are organized or arranged:
// When I started my new job, it took me a while to get used to the set-up.
// "Nice little set-up you've got here," he said as we showed him around the house.

2. to start a company, organization, committee etc
// They want to set up their own import–export business.

3. set something ↔ up to make the arrangements that are necessary for something to happen
// I’ll set up an appointment for you.
// There was a lot of work involved in setting up the festival

Chroma key - цветовой ключ;


Now my microphone doesn’t work

Standing microphone

In the hot time of the year

Whirlwind - вихрь, ураган, смерч
whirlwind romance - бурный роман 

Is your schedule updated now?

I don’t exactly know what my plans will be

TA (teaching assistant)
GA (grading assistant)

Hard sciences

Some time ago / a while ago (not “a few time ago”)

What I’m trying to say (not “to tell”)

BBC, CNN, EuroNews

tell-tale signsявные признаки;
signs etc that clearly show something has happened or exists, often something that is a secret.
A tell-tale sign is a sign that tells you something with strong certainty. For example, if an old man has yellow hair instead of white, it is a tell-tale sign that he is a strong smoker.
// They examined the child carefully, looking for telltale signs of abuse.

giveaway - 1. a thing that is given free, often for promotional purposes (отданное даром)
2. a thing that makes an inadvertent revelation. (ненамеренное разоблачение тайны)
// He’d been smoking dope; his glazed eyes were a dead giveaway.
// There are clues, though not giveaways, from the start.

cheesy = sappy, overly romantic
1. tasting like cheese or containing cheese
2. (informal) cheap and not of good quality
// a cheesy soap opera
3. (informal) not sincere
// a cheesy grin

Our time is up

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver


Angelo Deleo: Lesson 3
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