Doris Verez (SY Friends & Family)
Recently Clare posted the picture of Shri Mataji’s Feet decorated with two religious symbols and the story attached to it. This is a series of photos that was taken in Prathisthan when Shri Mataji asked that four full pujas were offered to Her and that Yogi Mahajan should take photos to be sent then to the German court. Thanks go to Herbert Reininger.
Shri Mataji's Feet decorated with two religious symbols
Shri Mataji’s Feet decorated with two religious symbols

Here is the story to these pictures:

This picture shows a series of puja photos taken in January of 1992 by Yogi Mahajan in Pratisthan. The reason was the arrest of a young SY student at the Frankfurt Airport, when she returned from the ISPS. Relatives of her parents had requested the arrest because they believed SY was a dangerous cult that practices child abuse and agitates against established religions. The competent judge granted their request and ordered the arrest.

If I remember correctly, the young student was around 12 years old at the time and she was taken away from Frankfurt immediately after her arrest. Later we found out that she was probably moved to another city and has been given up for adoption (!).

You can imagine that the commotion in our Frankfurt Ashram was enormous. After all pleading and supplication were useless, I called Shri Mataji in Pratisthan, and she then asked Yogi Mahajan to offer Her several Pujas on the same day, during which Shri Mataji requested Her Lotus Feet to be decorated with various religious symbols under Her guidance. As far as I have heard, there were four full Pujas offered in one day.

Yogi Mahajan was asked to take a picture of Her Lotus Feet every time, and these pictures were then sent to us with the instructions to present them to the judge, with the argument that Sahaja Yoga recognizes ALL religions and thus the student’s arrest and deportation were completely unnecessary and unlawful.

I can’t remember exactly how it went, but after some back and forth, the young student was eventually brought back and reunited with her parents. One can easily imagine that the emotions went very high at that time.

All’s well that ends well.

PS: As far as I know, Shri Mataji later never mentioned why it all had to happen that way and what was worked out with it on the vibratory level.

The picture of Shri Mataji’s Feet decorated with two religious symbols
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